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Puerto Lopez, Ecuador

July 5 - July 19  [2021]

A good friend (Jim Dustrude) came down to visit with an interesting itinerary that essentially looped the country by car from his entry at Guayaquil. My initial planning included a two week stay in Puerto Lopez prior to visa expiration but I had decided to travel by plane, then bus. Jim had the better idea so I decided to hop a ride. Our first leg meandered through an area of extreme terrain known as Volcano Alley to the city of Ambato at the country's mid point. Day two inclulded Quito, Ecuador's capital, before pushing west to Mindo Valley. Mindo is a uniquely spiritual place representing the exotic flora, fauna, birds, butterflies, reptiles and animals one would expect in the Amazon Basin. Eventually, we arrived in Puerto Lopez and my home for the next two weeks.


Puerto Lopez is a small fishing village turned ecotourist destination sitting half way down the Ecuadorian coast. It's a classic Crecent shaped stretch of land featuring a well designed beach promenade (Malecon) lined with hotels, shops, restaurants and cabanas. Aside from fishing and tourism, the local economy relies on self sustainability and therefore, monetarily poor like many of the country's coastal communities. 


Snorkeling, diving, whale watching and assorted nature focused excursions are the recreation of choice for most who visit Puerto Lopez. This includes Isle de le Plata about 30 minutes off shore (a poor man's Galapagos lsland). The sea food in Puerto Lopez is plentiful and fresh-the Ceviche, world class. Overall, an enjoyable coastal discovery after a couple months at high elevation in the Andes.

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“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” - Aldous Huxley

A life long traveler in search of that 195th country observing culture before the global agenda homogenizes our planet.


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