People of the world stand aside in a suspended animation of shock as the horror in Palestine moves into its sixth month of operation. At the time of this post, the death toll exceeds 31,000, mostly women and children. Every attempt at a seize fire through the UN has been reflexively vetoed by the United States essentially green lighting additional slaughter and destruction in the Gaza Strip. And now, purposeful starvation.
The statistics paint and even uglier, more gruesome picture.
(Includes the Occupied West Bank which gets very little attention)
Injured: 77,254 (35 per hour)
Starvation: One quarter of the entire population is currently starving with many children dying daily.
Keep In mind, these are the indigenous civilians of Palestine who were forcefully driven into a tiny strip of land from their previously settled homeland and essentially imprisoned there within manufactured border walls for the past sixteen years. No one is allowed to leave while their food intake is carefully regulated along the margins. All of this, before the war began.
Initially, Israel's stated goal was to eradicate Hamas in response to the October 7th attacks that killed 1068 of its citizens (695 civilians, 393 military, 71 foreigners). However, after six months of relentless bombing focused on civilian targets such as hospitals, schools, bakeries, residential structures and open air camps (war crimes) its quite obvious something else is at play here. In fact, the Israeli government has openly admitted their true intent of ethnic cleansing through multiple statements during the course of their destructive campaign.
Internationally, the world remains outraged and vocal-but helpless. Weekly protests are active on all continents with millions participating. Meanwhile, back in the United States, the sentiment remains slightly neutral with the meter beginning to lean in favor of the Palestinians, albeit, singularly focused on just the temporary seize fire. But that leaves another 45 percent in full on support of a calculated, daily slaughter of civilians with genocidal intentions.
Think about that for a minute.
One has to wonder how an advanced civilization could allow any of these crimes to go on, with impunity, let alone those that continually promotes Judeo Christian values. Even the most ardent supporter of an imperialist 'might makes right' international foreign policy doctrine has to admit the odious nature of this Zionist killing machine is not only counter productive in garnering support - its simply evil.
If it was 'human animals' who perpetrated the events on October 7th, what level of organism do we categorize the IDF for their response? After all, they are on the side purportedly representing a civilized democracy. And for those who haven't watched the videos, viewed images or read first hand accounts from within the open air prison, please do so. These are your tax dollars at work.
And what about the US government and its full complicity in providing capital, weapons, equipment and diplomacy? None of the carnage would be possible without it. Given this reality, is it unreasonable to expect Israel, the recipient, to abide by the rules of engagement dictated within international law?
But that has never been the case.
In fact, just the opposite. Their overt defiance of law and mandates includes those levied by the United States, the United Nations, the Security Council and the International Court of Justice (aka the highest court on planet earth).
Clearly, the tail is wagging the dog.
Or is it?
Given the power of AIPAC and its influence on Congress at all degrees of trend, essentially determining electability and policy through the power of the dollar, perhaps we are all under occupation. To make matters worse, potentially catastrophic, Bulldog Benjamin Netanyahu's only incentive lies in conflict escalation as a means to prolong his fate upon the wars conclusion including jail time stemming from corruption charges. And if this war expands into surrounding countries as it appears he desires, expect allies from all corners of the globe to become active. Then it gets ugly-possibly very ugly.
Further, unwavering support for Israel in the face of obvious war crimes has seriously weakened the United States as a leader and protector of laws within the eyes of the international community, not to mention its own security. After all, if the global super power, self proclaimed leader of the free world representing rule of law, liberty and self determination can not prevent a tiny country in the Middle East from blocking food distribution to two million starving human beings, why would any nation follow their moral authority moving forward?! This acknowledgement becomes even more magnified when considering the double standard/hypocrisy on display in Ukraine where billions have been spent on supporting their effort in combating the Russian invasion/occupation.
If the United States is willing to destroy an entire construct of laws it helped establish post World War Two, an International rules based order designed to protect the common aspirations of all people in exchange for the dictates of an extremist, roque, ally-then what guard rails are left standing for whomever or whatever comes next?
"One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice"
Julian Assange