During the height of the Pandemic’s first wave during the summer of 2020, Time magazine published a shocking article revealing a multi-trillion dollar shift of wealth from America’s middle class to the upper one percent of its population. One might ask why those in power, the one percent who designed, orchestrated and managed the heist chose to make it public at time when everyone remained singularly focused on staying safe, solvent and alive during an event that happens once in a millennium. I think the answer lies in the question. You decide.
Why does it matter? Aside from the obvious, the US is beginning to take on characteristics of the 2nd world I’m traveling through-eroded infrastructure, protective gates, ubiquitous guards/police and the residual crime associated with poverty and extreme wealth inequality (all predictable and studied over multiple decades). At our current trajectory, we will most assuredly see more of South America than our North unless there’s a major shift in policy, the economic system and/or the method in which money is introduced into circulation. Currently, a private bank known as the Federal Reserve issues debt notes of which the US Government owes interest (meaning, you and me). To make matters worse, this debt based system requires continual expansion on a finite planet to maintain its solvency (otherwise there would be no new money to cover the interest created for every dollar printed). But that's just the beginning. When you consider the trillions of dollars printed and essentially given to wall street and their corporate network of publicly traded companies, you end up with an overtly rigged game that benefits the very few at the expensive of the masses. So yes, the US has turned Socialist at a major degree of trend, it just happens to be the opposite of what the mainstream media purports - a fully controlled, bought and paid for corporatized state (aka legalized corruption) that requires bailouts (your kids money) every ten years. Socialism saving Capitalism? Sure looks like it! If you have any doubt, check the numbers yourself.
One of the most fascinating observations of South American culture is the method in which they run local economies. It’s like taking a step back in time to the United States during its 30 year post war period. Individually owned businesses working within multiple communities on a competitive but cooperative level - many of the owners living in the upstairs apartments of their stores below. A very Adam Smith version of capitalism free of concentrated wealth, brands and handouts upon failure. Just honest, hard working people making a living to the best of their ability in an open market that allows anyone to participate. And in spite of all of their inherent disadvantages (many at the direction of US foreign policy), people seem to make it work with smiles on their face. One could only imagine how much better this system world work if they enjoyed the same level of liquidity granted to its US historic counterpart. More liquidity, judiciously distributed to multiple participants within an open markets system of individuals working towards building a better society equals significantly less poverty, crime and associated sociological dysfunctions. This would also result in smaller government and lower taxes.
So, the choice is ours-we can continue along this backward path (almost there) to the Monarchy we left over 250 years ago and prepare for the inevitable revolution that follows or we can make a stand now. After all, it’s 99% of us and 1% of them. And if you're part of the 1-10% who benefited from the policies employed (for the benefit of its authors), good for you. Just be careful for what you wish for - I'm experiencing that reality on a daily basis!
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”
Frederick Douglass